

HALCON Progress requires a valid HALCON Progress license and does not run with licenses of HALCON 13 and earlier versions or HALCON Steady.

HALCON Library

Compared to HALCON 18.11 Progress, many extensions have been introduced. Thus, the HALCON Progress libraries are not binary compatible with HALCON 18.11 Progress or earlier versions. However, HALCON Progess is mostly source-code compatible to HALCON 18.11 Progress except for the changes listed below:

  • DevOperator implementation classes for HDevEngine have to be extended with an implementation for the new dev_set_contour_style operator.
  • Due to a fixed problem for the procedure preprocess_dl_samples, there might be minimal differences during the training process of a deep learning detection network. However, these differences should not affect the training results.
  • The signature in the following member functions of the classes HImage and HShapeModel have changed in the language  interfaces HALCON/CPP and HALCON/.NET: FindAnisoShapeModel,  FindScaledShapeModel, and FindShapeModel. The parameter MinScore has changed the type from double to HTuple, so that under certain circumstances ambiguities may occur during a type conversion in the compilation process. In these cases, an explicit cast of your passed variable to double resolves the ambiguity.
  • The parameter ‘batch_size_device’ of the deep learning classifier has been replaced by the parameter ‘batch_size_multiplier’, which has a different semantics. Hence, programs using ‘batch_size_device’ need to be adapted to use ‘batch_size_multiplier’ instead.

HALCON Applications

Please re-compile all C, C++, or .NET programs developed with HALCON 18.11 Progress. The incompatibility with HALCON 18.11 Progress or earlier versions mainly concerns the binaries, with only few changes in the language interfaces. If you encounter problems during recompiling your programs, please check the detailed description of changes below.

Image Acquisition Interfaces

In general, HALCON Progress, HALCON 18.11 Progress, and HALCON 13.0.x image acquisition interfaces are library compatible.

HALCON Progress includes only a subset of available image acquisition interfaces. Image acquisition interfaces that are included are: BitFlow, DirectFile, DirectShow, Ensenso-NxLib, File, GenICamTL, GigEVision2, LinX, MILLite, MultiCam, O3D3xx, pylon, SaperaLT, SICK-3DCamera, SiliconSoftware, uEye, USB3Vision, and Video4Linux2. You can download additional interfaces from our web server.

Digital I/O Interfaces

In general, HALCON Progress, HALCON 18.11 Progress, and HALCON 13.0.x digital I/O interfaces are library compatible.

HALCON Progress includes only a subset of available digital I/O interfaces. Digital I/O interfaces that are included are: OPC_UA and Hilscher-cifX. You can download additional interfaces from our web server.

Extension Packages

Please re-generate your own extension packages developed with HALCON 18.11 Progress.

Planned Discontinuation of the x86-win32 platform version for Windows

MVTec plans to discontinue the x86-win32 platform version for Windows. Presumably, this will happen in the course of 2020. We recommend to start switching your applications to the x64-win64 platform version for Windows.