Product Information

MVTec HALCON is the comprehensive standard software for machine vision with an integrated development environment (HDevelop) that is used worldwide. It enables cost savings and improved time to market. HALCON’s flexible architecture facilitates rapid development of any kind of machine vision application.


  • HALCON is your solution for the full range of applications in the field of machine vision
  • Enabler of the Industrial Internet of Things (aka Industry 4.0)
  • Large imaging library of more than 2,000 operators
  • Integrated development environment (IDE) for machine vision: HDevelop
  • Huge range of features including deep learning
  • Easy programming in C, C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET
  • Available for a multitude of platforms
  • Support of multi-core and multiprocessor computers
  • High performance through utilization of state-of-the-art instruction sets and GPU Acceleration
  • Support of hundreds of industrial cameras, frame grabbers, and all common vision standards 


  • Revolutionary software for 3D machine vision
  • Matching to find even rotated or partly occluded objects
  • Blob analysis with more than 50 shape and gray value features
  • High-accuracy measuring
  • Huge range of latest deep learning technologies
  • Optical character recognition and verification (OCR/OCV)
  • Arbitrarily shaped regions of interest (ROIs) for significant flexibility and speed
  • Detection of lines, circles, and ellipses with an accuracy of up to 1/50 pixel
  • Extremely fast morphology
  • Color image processing and hyperspectral imaging
  • Processing of extremely large images (more than 32k x 32k)
  • Image sequence processing (e.g., for surveillance tasks)
  • Accurate 3D camera calibration